Board of Directors Documents Find documents and reports related to the Sound Transit Board, including motions, resolutions, meeting minutes and more. Scroll down for other document archives. Board of Directors documents Accountability documents Includes cost and project controls, outside audits and oversight, and annual agency milestones. Environmental documents View the analyses and reports on how Sound Transit works toward sustainability goals. Financial documents Review Sound Transit's quarterly and annual reports, budgets, and financial plans. Planning documents The System Planning process is how we develop ballot measures for system expansion. Service planning and ridership documents Includes the annual Service Implementation Plan, ridership reports, and the Service Standards and Performance Measures. System Expansion Monthly Status Report An overview of progress and performance for Sound Transit projects in planning and construction System expansion project documents We are planning and building the most ambitious transit expansion in the country. Find out where we are and where we will be. Transit-oriented development documents How we plan for housing, businesses, and other amenities near transit stations.