2021 Progress Report

Expanding opportunities with transit

Read the report

We keep rolling, we keep building

Transit helps connect us to each other, to essential services and to job and educational opportunities.  The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us how important all those connections are. 

Through this difficult year, Sound Transit kept our trains and buses running, helping deliver essential workers to front-line jobs. 

On track for 2024

We're almost tripling the light rail system with 28 new stations in every part of the region in just the next four years starting with service to Northgate this year. Just as transit construction fueled our recovery from the Great Recession of 2008-2009, building light rail is employing thousands of workers, who in turn help support even more local retail and service jobs in our communities.

Map of Sound Transit service area by 2024

Explore transit projects in your area

Under construction, on schedule

May be delayed from their original schedules, phased, or scaled back

Under construction, on schedule

May be delayed from their original schedules, phased, or scaled back

Under construction, on schedule

May be delayed from their original schedules, phased, or scaled back

Under construction, on schedule

May be delayed from their original schedules, phased, or scaled back

Under construction, on schedule

May be delayed from their original schedules, phased, or scaled back

Advancing equity

Throughout 2020, the movement for racial justice focused the spotlight on embedded racist policies and practices. At Sound Transit, we're planning, building and operating public transit that provides equitable access to housing, education, medical facilities and job opportunities for all.

We are advancing equity by: