What's next for BLE?
Since 2017, Sound Transit has been studying potential route and station alignments for the Ballard Link Extension (BLE), and throughout this process we have engaged with community members. Fast forward to today, we are announcing that BLE will start the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping process on Oct. 7.
Scoping is part of the environmental review process. As you may recall, we previously conducted a scoping process and comment period in 2019 to inform the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions (WSBLE) Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that was published in 2022. Sound Transit is now developing a new NEPA Draft EIS and Supplemental State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Draft EIS for the BLE. This follow-up environmental review document is the result of Sound Transit Board actions in March and July 2023 that modified preferred alternatives, added new alternatives, and made other refinements to the BLE alignment and station locations. The new BLE Draft EIS will carry forward the range of alternatives and all public feedback collected from the project's earlier WSBLE Scoping and Draft EIS comment periods.
Scoping comment periods are typically 30 days, and based on public feedback, we are providing an extended 45-day comment period. The extended 45-day scoping comment period will begin on Oct. 7 and end on Nov. 21. Sound Transit will collect your feedback on the project Purpose and Need, route and station alignment alternatives, and potential topics for study in the BLE NEPA Draft/Supplemental SEPA Draft EIS. We invite you to share additional and new feedback with us.
We will present materials and host in-person scoping meetings to inform community members about the process and public comment period. These efforts will cover the BLE project history, development of alternatives, and the Sound Transit Board actions to identify the Preferred Alternative and other alternative alignments. We will share information on how to provide NEPA Scoping comments starting on Oct. 7.
Stop by to learn more at upcoming scoping meetings:
Drop by these open houses anytime. Project staff will be available to answer questions, and court reporters will be in attendance to capture NEPA scoping comments.
Chinatown-International District and Downtown
- Oct. 16, 5 – 7 p.m., opening remarks at 5:30 p.m. | Union Station, 401 S Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104
Cantonese, Mandarin, and Vietnamese interpretation and translated materials will be available. ASL interpretation will be provided. Refreshments and activities for children will be provided.
South Interbay and Ballard
- We'll share details soon for a late-October scoping meeting in the Interbay/Ballard area.
ASL interpretation will be provided. Refreshments and activities for children will be provided.
To request an accommodation, contact project staff at least two weeks in advance of a scoping meeting at ballardlink@soundtransit.org.
After the NEPA scoping process, we will prepare the BLE Draft EIS and public comment period in coordination with the Federal Transit Administration.
As we begin the NEPA scoping comment period, we will update our online open house with more information and directions on how to submit your comments.