As 2019 draws to a close, we at The Platform want to thank our readers for following along as we celebrated many milestones - including Link's 10th birthday!
Just like last year, we asked our talented photographer, Glenn Landberg, to pick his favorite photographs and write about them.
This year, we're splitting it into two parts. Today's story highlights our riders and service on Sounder commuter rail, Link light rail and ST Express buses.
We'll also recap our construction progress, as we show you the people and projects that will make it easier to get to where you work, live and play.
We love this shot of Sounder passengers deboarding the train at King Street Station in January.
Linking riders to where they need to go at Capitol Hill Station.
Remember the February Snowpocalypse?
The last 550 to ever travel through the downtown tunnel last March.
Cherry blossoms perfectly frame a double tall bus in Lynnwood in the spring.
One of the highlights of this year was getting a look at the new Type 2 light rail vehicles. The first cars will be finished with testing and in service in 2020.
It was great to see everyone at the Pride Parade.
No better view of Seattle's changing skyline than from ST Express double decker.
Tacoma Link on a beautiful summer day.
Seattle Monorail joining the ORCA family in the fall means easier transit connections for all!
Sounder to bus connections in Puyallup.
This is my desktop background. Gotta love those fall colors.
Link, in Rainier Valley, in the rain.
We know that people rely on transit, so accessibility is a priority.
Staying warm and dry on Link during Seattle winter.
We hope this look back conjures good memories of 2019 and builds excitement about where we're headed in the new year.