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Person holding phone with Sound RideGuide logo

Beta test the new Sound RideGuide trip planner!

Publish Date

Be part of something exciting! Sound Transit is launching Sound RideGuide, a multimodal trip planner designed to make your travel smoother. Whether you’re a daily rider or passionate about accessible transit, your feedback can shape this innovative tool.

What is Sound RideGuide?

Sound RideGuide is an app that can be accessed on mobile or web that helps you:

  • Plan trips around the Puget Sound region using public transit, biking, walking, and more.

  • Get real-time updates, fare info (including ORCA), and service alerts.

  • Find first- and last-mile connections.

  • Use accessible routes tailored to your needs.

We need beta testers who:

  • Ride public transit often and love sharing feedback.

  • Speak one of Sound Transit’s Title VI languages (e.g., Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Korean and Russian).

  • Use assistive technologies like screen readers or braille displays.

  • Have experience in digital product development or UX/UI.

  • Care about diversity, equity and inclusion.

Future development

The Sound RideGuide product is part of a multi-phased project that includes trip planning and real-time information with options to incorporate interactive support, fare payment, and support for in-station displays. 

Interactive support

As we expand our services Sound Transit is exploring new and innovative ways to better connect with passengers. Components under consideration include:

  • Point-to-point trip planning, stop information, route information. 

  • Frequently asked questions.

  • Interactive support; live chat with passenger care staff.

  • AI assisted responses

Fare payment integration

As the ORCA system advances, Sound RideGuide is evaluating the best ways to integrate fare payment options. Trip planning and payment in an all-in-one tool is at the heart of the goal to create a seamless digital experience for passengers. 

Interactive kiosks 

Sound RideGuide will be used as a platform to pilot and test new technologies. This includes integrating future data sets and information important to passengers. It also means exploring different ways and interfaces to provide passengers information when and where they need it. 

Interactive kiosks can serve as a tool to passengers who need information on-the-go housed within the station environment. Kiosks also support those passengers who may not have access to personal digital tools.

Desktop image with Sound RideGuide map
Desktop image with Sound RideGuide trip planner

The birth of the brand

Criteria, market research, best practices, and input from the public and regional partners informed the naming and the development of the product’s visual identity. More than 200 respondents from the Sounding Board provided feedback in April 2024 with Sound RideGuide scoring the highest in nearly every category.

How to join

Help us create a seamless travel experience for all riders by becoming a Sound RideGuide beta tester

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