From the Boardroom: East Link Update, 2018 Financial Plan and more
This is the first of a regular feature we're calling "From the Boardroom", in which we'll highlight actions taken by the full Sound Transit Board at their montly meeting. We'll publish this the 4th Friday of every month. It will feature construction updates, budget actions, or other Board news. All Board meetings are open to the public and have opportunities for public comment. Check out the main Board of Directors page on our website for information on upcoming meetings, how to contact the Board and how to sign up to recieve agendas and Board meeting materials ahead of time.
East Link Construction Update
By 2023, 4-car trains will be rushing across Lake Washington, providing fast and reliable light rail service between Seattle, Mercer Island, Bellevue and Redmond. Construction is underway on the entire 14-mile alignment, and yesterday the Board heard a construction update from the Project Team. Of the $3.7b project, $901m has been spent and $2.8b has been committed, and expenses are in line with forecasts. Construction is on schedule for trains to start running in June 2023. October updates:
- The team has been placing 'anchor frames' in the I-90 Bridge to prepare it for light rail
- Site work has been progressing on the future Mercer Island Station
- In South Bellevue, teams have been fabricating rebar shafts for the future Park & Ride garage and are completing new utility infrastructure.
- In Downtown Bellevue, the tunnel from the East Main to Bellevue Downtown Stations is progressing on schedule, with up to 5 feet per day of digging progress. The tunnel is currently excavating underneath 110th Ave NE.
- Just outside Downtown Bellevue, shafts are being drilled for the supports that will carry Link over I-405 in an elevated crossing.
- In the Bel-Red area, intensive utility and site preparation work continue, with many old or inconsistent utilities being upgraded.
- Finally, in Redmond alongside SR 520, you may see grading or site preparation work underway at the future Overlake Village and Redmond Technology Center stations.
Other October Board items
- The Board was briefed on the 2018 Service Implementation Plan, the 2018 Transportation Improvement Plan, and the 2018 Financial Plan.
- The Board authorized a $1.2m conctract with Transportation Mnagement & Design, Inc to provide service planning consulting services.
- The Board authorized the CEO to amend the funding agreement for the Tacoma Link Extension.
- The Board authorized a new contract Anchor QEA to provide $2.5m of environmental review assistance to the Federal Transit Administration.
- The Board increased the contingency for the Tacoma Trestle project by $3.3m.
- The Board considered the annual renewal of the MOU between PSRC and local transit agencies that establish coordinated planning procedures.