Board of Directors documents search
Adopting an updated fare enforcement policy for Sound Transit commuter rail, light rail and bus rapi...
Authorizing contracts for preliminary engineering and environmental documentation to Sverdrup Civil,...
Authorizing the Executive Director to join or defend any legal proceeding to determine the legality ...
Resolution No. R2013-18: Establishing policies for conducting equity analyses of Major Service Chang...
Execute Amendment No.1 of the Sound Transit (ST)/Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) Fin...
Amending Resolution No. 98 authorizing a contract for the issuance and use of credit cards for offic...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to acquire certain real property interests, including acquis...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to acquire certain real property interests, including acquis...
Resolution No. R2013-19: Establishing policies for conducting equity analyses of Fare Changes impact...
(1) Amending the Adopted 2016 Budget to create the Kent Station Access Improvements Project by (a) e...