Board of Directors documents search
Authorizes the chief executive officer to acquire or lease certain real property interests, includin...
Amends the adopted budget for the NE 130th Street Infill Station to allow the project final design p...
(1) Expanding Sound Transit’s parking permit program, (2) establishing performance goals for the p...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to acquire certain real property interests, including acquis...
(1) Adopting the ST2 Light Rail Vehicle Fleet Expansion project baseline schedule and budget by (a) ...
Updating the Expulsion and Suspension Policy....
Approving the Chief Executive Officer's declaration of surplus real property originally acquired for...
(1) Amends the Adopted 2012 ST Express Transit Operations budget from $102,308,773 to $102,561,773 t...
Authorizing reimbursements for Boardmember expenses and per diem allowances as provided by RCW 81.11...