Board of Directors documents search

894 results
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Published date: 08/22/13

Authorizes the chief executive officer to acquire, dispose, or lease certain real property interests...

Published date: 01/22/15

Approving the chief executive officer’s declaration of surplus real property acquired for the Init...

Published date: 07/28/11

Amends the Adopted 2011 Operating Budget by $235,000, from $235,000 to $470,000 to fund the demoliti...

Published date: 06/08/23

Authorizes the chief executive officer to acquire certain real property interests, and to reimburse ...

Published date: 06/12/03 Amends Resolution Nos. R2000-05; R2000-10; R2000-13; R2000-16; R2001-02; R2001-13; R2002-03; R2002-15; R2002-19; R2003-01; R2003-04; and R2003-05.

Settle condemnation litigation or enter administrative settlements (a settlement in lieu of initiati...

Published date: 02/25/99

Executing an agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation providing funding particip...

Published date: 05/08/03

Implement changes to ST Express bus service effective September 2003....

Published date: 12/18/14

Adopting an annual budget for the period from January 1 through December 31, 2015....

Published date: 09/09/21

Selects the route, roadway improvements, and station locations for the State Route 522/NE 145th Bus ...

Published date: 12/01/23 As forwarded by the Rider Experience & Operations Committee

(1) Adopts new rates of fare and fare structure for Link light rail service effective with the openi...