Board of Directors documents search

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Published date: 02/22/18

A RESOLUTION of the Board of the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority authorizing the chie...

Published date: 02/09/06

Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer, subject to the grant of a Federal Transit Administration pr...

Published date: 03/25/94

Establishing procedures for the procurement of materials and the performance of work and services fo...

Published date: 12/12/02

Ratifying the adoption of amendments to the agency's pension plan as required by tax law changes und...

Published date: 04/27/00

Acquire, dispose, or lease certain real property interests, including temporary construction, sidewa...

Published date: 07/28/11 Superseded By Resolution R2013-09

Selecting the route, profiles, and station locations for the East Link Light Rail Project....

Published date: 03/10/05

Transferring uncommitted lifetime capital budget in the amount of $4 million from the Right of Way P...

Published date: 01/11/07

Relating to High Capacity Transportation System Planning, setting aside from further consideration t...