Board of Directors documents search
Amending the 2007 Adopted Budget for the Ash Way Transit Access/164th SW project from $18,427,941 to...
Selecting a preferred implementation schedule for Sound Transit 2-funded bus service improvements, a...
Governing the authority to sell the West Parcel of the Federal Way Transit Center to the City of Fed...
Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and the Burli...
Authorizing the Executive Director to negotiate and execute certain agreements required to implement...
Fulfilling the requirement of RCW 81.112.040(1) to reconstitute the governing board with regard to t...
Amending the Adopted 2003 Budget to provide for a reduction in expenditures for capital projects....
Authorizes the chief executive officer to acquire, dispose, or lease certain real property by negoti...
(1) Amends the Adopted 2013 Lifetime Budget for the Reservation Junction Track and Signal project fr...
Acquire, dispose, or lease certain real property interests by negotiated purchase, by condemnation, ...