Board of Directors documents search
Authorizes the issuance of the not to exceed $154,152,530 (plus capitalized interest thereon) sales ...
Authorizes the chief executive officer to acquire, dispose, or lease certain real property interests...
Authorizes the chief executive officer to acquire, dispose, or lease certain real property interests...
Establishing and fixing the boundaries of the Authority and authorizing the Executive Director to su...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to acquire, dispose, or lease certain real property interest...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to (1) acquire, dispose, or lease certain real property by n...
Authorizes the chief executive officer to acquire certain real property interests, including acquisi...
Authorizing phase transfers for certain System Expansion, Enhancement and State of Good Repair p...
Adopting a new Asset Liability Management Policy and supersedes Resolution Nos. R2004-14, R2005-17, ...
Establishing a cooperative relationship and working principles by and between RTA and King County to...