Board of Directors documents search

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Published date: 11/17/22

(1) Authorizing a 1.0 percent statutory increase in the property tax levy for 2023, (2) certifying t...

Published date: 07/23/98

Redrawing the authority's district boundary to exclude the City of Covington effective January 1, 19...

Published date: 05/08/98

Revising Sound Move by adding the SR 99 HOV Lane Improvement project to the Snohomish County subarea...

Published date: 04/25/13 Supersedes Resolution No. R2011-10

Selecting the route, profiles, and station locations for the East Link Light Rail Project, and super...

Published date: 07/27/00

Selecting two (of the five) alignment options in the Northgate segment for the Link Light Rail line ...

Published date: 11/29/16

Fixing, levying, and imposing a twenty-five cents ($0.25) per $1,000 of assessed valuation property ...

Published date: 07/23/98

Authorizing the Executive Director to execute an agreement with Washington State Department of Trans...

Published date: 05/26/05

Approving the Chief Executive Officer’s declaration as surplus certain real property interests and...

Published date: 11/13/08

Amends the Adopted 2008 Budget to (a) revise the North Link – UW Station to Brooklyn Station proje...