Board of Directors documents search

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Published date: 01/23/03 Superseded by Resolution No. R2009-24

Adopt a Scope Control Policy to help guide Sound Transit staff in responding to partner’s requests...

Published date: 07/25/13

(1) Authorizing a parking management pilot to test the use of parking permits, rideshare collaborati...

Published date: 11/02/17

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract amendment to the Fall Restraint Enhanc...

Published date: 08/06/09

Executing a contract amendment with Nonstop, Inc., to initiate the purchase of material and fabricat...

Published date: 11/01/07

Contract amendment with GE Transportation Systems Global Signaling to provide engineering, equipment...

Published date: 05/22/03

Interlocal agreement with the City of Mukilteo providing for the City to pay $25,000 as its share of...

Published date: 12/06/12

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a one year contract with four one year options wi...

Published date: 04/03/98

Executing a contract for the lease of fleet vehicles with Northwest Fleet Lease Inc., for a three-ye...

Published date: 02/17/17

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute an amendment to the contract with Centennial Cont...

Published date: 08/04/05

Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute a contract amendment with Camp, Dresser and McKee...