Board of Directors documents search

3011 results
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Published date: 10/26/17

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract with Anchor QEA, LLC to provide the Fe...

Published date: 04/25/13

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract with Absher Construction Company, to c...

Published date: 07/01/99

Executing a contract amendment with HNTB Corporation for final design of the Overlake Transit Center...

Published date: 02/24/05

Executing a contract amendment with Wackenhut Corporation to continue to provide unarmed security se...

Published date: 02/24/05

Executing a Substitute Community Development Fund (CDF) Funding Agreement with the City of Seattle t...

Published date: 08/30/19

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a five year contract with 10 one-year options to ...

Published date: 07/10/14

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a three-year contract with a two-year option to e...

Published date: 03/03/05

Executing a contract with Otak, Incorporated to provide final design and design support services dur...

Published date: 03/03/16

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract amendment with Steer Davies Gleave to ...

Motion No. M2019-97 - As forwarded by the Executive Committee
Published date: 09/05/19

Awards the first round of System Access Funds to the local governments identified the not to exceed ...