Board of Directors documents search
Authorizing up to an additional $5,000 per appropriate facility to existing station design contracts...
Appointing Peter Guzman and Lorraine Samano to the Diversity Oversight Committee....
Authorizing the Board Chair to appoint up to three Sound Transit Boardmembers to work with Sound Tra...
Approving the following board members travel: 1. Travel for the remainder of 1998 within the State ...
Appointing Stephen C. Wamback to the Citizen Oversight Panel to fill the position vacated in Pierce ...
Authorizing the Board Chair to execute an employment agreement with the Executive Director....
Reappointing Mr. Scott Lampe and Mr. Paul Thompson to the Community Oversight Panel to serve a third...
Electing a Vice Chair of the Sound Transit Board for a two-year term commencing January 1, 2006....
Approving travel for Board members Paul Miller, Dave Enslow, and Ann Kirk Davis to attend the APTA C...
Appointing Ms. Rea Hagan to the Citizen Oversight Panel to fill the position vacated by Claudia Ells...