Board of Directors documents search

3011 results
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Published date: 12/11/08

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute and implement an agreement with King County to tr...

Published date: 04/14/05

Approving the appointment of Paul Wiesner, MD and John Murtha of North King County subarea, to the C...

Published date: 04/26/18

(1) Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute an agreement with the City of Seattle and Kin...

Published date: 06/16/11

Ratifying the award of six contracts with Anthro-Tech, Inc. for providing web and customer service i...

Published date: 06/14/12

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract with HDR, Inc., to provide consulting ...

Published date: 05/24/18

Authorizing the chief executive officer to (1) execute contracts with Hansell Tierney, Inc., Kelly S...

Published date: 08/13/15

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute an amendment to the WSDOT Cost Reimbursement Agre...

Published date: 06/23/16

(1) Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a two-year contract with a one-year option to...

Published date: 04/12/18

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract with Trinity Meyer Utility Structures,...

Published date: 05/22/03

Contract amendment with Moss Adams Associates to continue to provide accounting support services in ...