Board of Directors documents search

3011 results
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Published date: 01/15/04

Increasing the contingency amount of the sole source contract with General Electric Transportation S...

Published date: 09/09/20

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract modification with Acoustics Strategies...

Published date: 06/07/07

Contract amendment with Anti, Inc. to fabricate and install original artwork for the Central Link li...

Published date: 03/03/05

Executing a contract amendment with Ad Club, Inc. in the amount of $110,000 for employment advertise...

Published date: 01/12/21

Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to increase the contingency for the contract with Stacy and ...

Published date: 10/26/17

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract with Anchor QEA, LLC to provide the Fe...

Published date: 07/11/13

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract with CH2M HILL to provide planning con...

Published date: 10/04/18

Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute a five-year contract with one two-year extension a...

Published date: 11/08/18

Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute a reimbursement agreement with the City of Mountla...

Published date: 11/08/18

Authorizes the chief executive officer to amend the contract with PGH Wong Engineering, Inc. to prov...