Board of Directors documents search

1198 results
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Published date: 06/27/19

Amends Sound Transit’s existing legal boundary description to include annexations to the City of R...

Published date: 01/13/22

Authorizes the chief executive officer to grant a permanent easement to the owners of Tax Parcel Num...

Published date: 10/11/18

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute (1) an agreement with the City of Fife for Projec...

M2019-51-As forwarded by the System Expansion Committee
Published date: 05/23/19

Identifying the preferred alternative(s) and other alternatives for the West Seattle and Ballard Lin...

Published date: 07/20/23

Increasing the 2023 annual debt service budget by $84.3 million, from $145.1 million to $229.4 milli...

Published date: 07/14/22

Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute a contract modification with HNTB Corporation to p...

Published date: 01/19/23 Supersedes the rates of fare established by Resolution No. R2022-29

(1) Adopts a $1.00 fare for ORCA LIFT riders on Sound Transit services, 
effective March 1, 2023...