Board of Directors documents search

1198 results
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Published date: 04/14/22

Authorizes the chief executive officer to increase the contract contingency for the Puyallup Station...

M2019-19 As Amended
Published date: 03/28/19

Adopting performance goals and objectives for Peter M. Rogoff, Sound Transit chief executive officer...

Published date: 03/07/24 Performance Goals in Attachment A amended by Motion No. M2024-20

Adopts performance goals and objectives for Goran Sparrman, Sound Transit interim chief executive of...

Published date: 11/08/20

Amending the Lakewood Station Access Improvements project budget for the administration, preliminary...

Published date: 07/07/22 Supersedes Resolution Nos. R2013-18 and R2013-19

Adopting a Disparate Impact and Disproportionate Burden Policy and superseding Resolution Nos. R2013...

Published date: 09/08/22

Authorizes the chief executive officer to 1) execute a Project Administration Agreement with the Cit...