Board of Directors documents search

942 results
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Published date: 02/13/20

Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute a five-year contract, with two one-year options to...

Published date: 03/14/24

Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute funding agreements at the not-to-exceed amounts an...

Published date: 06/13/24 As amended and approved by the Board of Directors

Selects the project to be built for the Operations and Maintenance Facility South project....

Published date: 05/09/19

Identifies the preferred alternative(s) and other alternatives for study in the Draft Environmental ...

Published date: 03/14/19

Amending the adopted budget for the I-405 Bus Rapid Transit project by (a) increasing the authorized...

Published date: 06/27/19

Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute an agreement with King County for the County to pa...

Published date: 07/14/22

Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute a contract modification with David Evans and Assoc...

Published date: 07/11/19

Transfers $1,468,120 from the Contingency phase to the Final Design phase of the Adopted 2019 Budget...