Board of Directors documents search

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Published date: 02/25/10 Superseded by Resolution No. R2018-41

Regarding the Sound Transit Capital Committee....

Published date: 02/28/19

Appointing Lawrence R. Sauvé and Daniel Parker to the Citizen Oversight Panel for a term of four ye...

Published date: 10/26/00

Appointing Claudia Ellsworth to the Citizen Oversight Panel to fill the position vacated by Diane Ca...

Published date: 04/07/22 Supersedes Resolution No. R2009-02

Adopts an updated Fare Compliance Policy and supersedes Resolution No. R2009-02....

Published date: 02/04/21

A motion of the Board of the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority adopting performance goa...

Published date: 08/01/19

Authorizing the appointment of a labor liaison to advise the Board....

Published date: 12/20/18

Electing the Sound Transit Board Chair and two Vice Chairs for a two-year term each, beginning Janua...