Board of Directors documents search

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Published date: 07/13/06

Establishing a Diversity Oversight Committee and authorizing the chief executive officer to recruit ...

Published date: 08/06/20 Considered on 08/27/2020 but not approved

Adopts a budget policy and supersedes Resolution No. R2018-23....

Published date: 04/26/18 Supersedes Resolution Number R2012-24.

A RESOLUTION of the Board of the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority adopting an Equitabl...

Published date: 11/16/00

Directing Sound Transit staff as follows: 1) Suspend negotiations with Modern Transit Constructors u...

Published date: 02/22/24

Elects a Sound Transit Board Vice Chair to complete the remainder of the unexpired two-year term, be...

Published date: 12/10/09

Electing the Sound Transit Board Chair and two Vice Chairs for two-year terms each, beginning Januar...

Published date: 02/22/24

Updates committee members and establishing committee meeting schedules for 2024....

Published date: 11/05/20

Reappointing Mr. Scott Lampe and Mr. Paul Thompson to the Citizen Oversight Panel to serve a second ...