Board of Directors documents search

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Published date: 03/27/97 Superceding Resolution Nos. 15 and 21

Establishing and revising policies relating to the authorization of per diem allowances for Board me...

Published date: 02/11/99 Superseded by Resolution No. R2018-40

Adopting policies to guide grant activities to secure funds that will augment local option tax reven...

Published date: 03/22/07

Appointing David A. Russell and Robert M. Goldstein to the Citizen Oversight Panel for a term of fou...

Published date: 04/09/98 Superseded by Resolution No. R2019-10

Amending Resolution No. 98 authorizing a contract for the issuance and use of credit cards for offic...

Published date: 09/26/13 Superseded by Resolution No. R2022-19

Resolution No. R2013-18: Establishing policies for conducting equity analyses of Major Service Chang...

Published date: 12/15/11

Electing the Sound Transit Board Chair and two Vice Chairs for a two-year term each, beginning Janua...