Board of Directors documents search

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Published date: 11/08/01

Adopting a Sounder Commuter Rail Interim Surface Parking Policy and authorize the Executive Director...

Published date: 09/25/97 Superseded by Resolution No. R2004-14

Adopting an investment policy for Authority resources....

Published date: 03/13/08

Establishing a Transit Operations Task Force of the Board with membership appointed by the Board Cha...

Published date: 12/08/05

Electing the Chair of the Sound Transit Board, commencing January 1, 2006....

Published date: 05/22/97

Establishing policy and procedures for reporting improper governmental actions and protecting employ...

Published date: 07/08/99 Supersedes Motion No. M98-79

Establishing policy regarding advertising on Sound Transit vehicles and at transit facilities and st...

Published date: 07/26/18 Superseded by Resolution No. R2020-24; Supersedes Resolution No. R2002-08

Adopting a new Budget Policy and supersedes Resolution No. R2002-08....