Board of Directors documents search

563 results
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Published date: 08/11/95

Authorizing staff to establish, use and maintain a roster of consultants to provide on-call and as-n...

Published date: 04/12/01

Executing an amendment to sole source contract number RTA/PG 101-00 with Cocker Fennessy, Inc increa...

Published date: 06/07/07

Contract amendment with Guy Kemper to expedite shipping of artwork for the Central Link light rail I...

Published date: 08/02/18

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract through February 2023 with two one-yea...

Published date: 04/21/05

Executing a contract amendment with Herrera Environmental Consultants to provide professional servic...

Published date: 09/01/05

Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute a one-year contract with two, one-year options to...

Published date: 07/17/08

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract amendment with IKON Office Solutions f...

Published date: 12/09/04

Executing a sole source contract amendment with Porter and Associates in the amount of $62,400 for a...

Published date: 02/04/10

Authorizing the chief executive officer to Executing a contract with MBI Seattle to purchase and ins...

Published date: 08/20/09

Executing a 5-year contract with Copiers Northwest to provide copy center operators, services, and e...