Board of Directors documents search

563 results
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Published date: 02/22/18

A motion of the Board of the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority authorizing the chief ex...

Published date: 01/06/05

Executing a contract with the team of PRR, Inc., to provide business assistance consulting services ...

Published date: 06/03/99 Amends Motion No. M1999-08

Amending Motion No. 98-8, for Audit Services with Deloitte & Touche LLP in the amount of $758,618 fo...

Published date: 09/07/00

Executing contracts with the firms and legal services to add additional attorneys to the on-call ros...

Published date: 12/02/99

Awarding contracts for Information and Telecommunications Technology Consulting Services to Seitel L...

Published date: 02/04/16

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute individual contract amendments with 22nd Century ...

Published date: 10/06/05

Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute a contract with Gannett Fleming, Inc. to provide ...

Published date: 09/07/17

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a three year contract with two one-year options t...

Published date: 09/06/18

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a one-year contract with Griffin & Strong, P.C. t...

Published date: 04/19/01

Executing a contract amendment with JD Edwards for XPI integration software and consulting services ...