Board of Directors documents search
Increasing the contingency amount on Contract Number RTA/CR67-99 with Lumpkin Construction Company, ...
Authorizing an additional $250,000 to be added to the approved contingency amount with Gary Merlino ...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to add contract contingency for a contract with H-J-H Final ...
Contract amendment with David Evans and Associates, Inc. to increase the contract contingency to fun...
Increasing the contract contingency fund for Contract Number RTA/CR 56-99 with Merlino Construction ...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract with JCM North link LLC, a Joint Ventu...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract amendment with HNTB Jacobs Trusted Des...
Authorizes the chief executive officer to (1) execute an agreement with the City of Bellevue to shar...
Contract with Harris and Associates to provide construction management services in an amount of $1,8...
Contract with Kiewit Pacific Company (the apparent low bidder) for the construction of Contract C810...