Sound Transit and the Federal Transit Administration published the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Draft / State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) for the Operations and Maintenance Facility South (OMF South), pursuant to SEPA (Ch. 43.21C Revised Code of Washington) and NEPA (42 United States Code 4321).
This Draft EIS informs the public, Tribes, agencies and decision makers about the alternatives and environmental consequences of building and operating a OMF South in the cities of Kent or Federal Way. The major choice for the project is the location of the OMF South facility. The comment period on the Draft EIS is from September 22, 2023 to November 6, 2023. Comments provided previously on the 2021 SEPA OMF South Draft EIS are valid and do not need to be resubmitted.
An electronic copy of the document can be accessed at the links below. Hard copies of the NEPA Draft/SEPA Supplemental Draft EIS are available for $25 and hard copies of the separately bound technical reports are available for $15 each. The Executive Summary and a flash drive including the NEPA Draft/SEPA Supplemental Draft EIS, appendices, and technical reports are available at no charge. For copies of the documents, please contact Dominique Jones at 206-689-4783 or