Sound Transit and the Federal Transit Administrative have published the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extension Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). This Draft EIS informs the public, Tribes, agencies and decision makers about the alternatives and potential environmental consequences of building and operating the proposed light rail extensions in the city of Seattle. The major choice for the project is the location of the light rail alignment and stations. Comments on the Draft EIS are being accepted through April 28, 2022. An electronic copy of the Draft EIS can be accessed at the links below. The Executive Summary and a flash drive including the Draft EIS, appendices, and technical reports are available at no charge. Draft EIS hard copies are available for $25, and hard copies of the separately bound appendices and technical reports are available for $15 each by contacting Dominique Jones at 206-689-4783 or To learn more about the project and how to comment on the Draft EIS, please visit the online open house at
*Sound Transit was made aware of a translation error in the Simplified Chinese Draft EIS Executive Summary in Table ES5 on page ES-29. That translation error has now been corrected.