Find out the dates and times for Sound Transit Board meetings, special event Sounder trains, and more.

Board of Directors Meeting

April 23, 2020 | -
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The Board establishes policies and gives direction and oversight. It is empowered under state law to identify ballot measures for voter approval of regional transit projects and maintains the Long-Range Plan that identifies potential projects to submit to voters. Learn more about the Board.

Please note: Due to the Governor's Stay Home – Stay Healthy Order, the April 23, 2020 Board meeting is taking place virtually. The video stream can be viewed by following this link:

Or, the meeting audio can be heard by calling 415-655-0002 or 206-207-1700. The audio conference will prompt you to enter (access code: 287 383 590) and (pin code: #).

The video and audio connections will be available during the meeting, scheduled from 1:30-4 p.m. on April 23, 2020.