NE 130th St Infill Station Project officially named Pinehurst Station
Board action follows input from more than 2,300 people on potential station name
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The Sound Transit Board has voted to adopt the name Pinehurst Station for the NE 130th Infill Station Project. The station, which will enter passenger service in 2026, will serve the growing residential neighborhood between Northgate and Shoreline South/148th Street stations.
This new elevated station was approved by voters in 2016 as part of the ST3 ballot measure and will be the first infill station to join the Link light rail network. The project includes pedestrian and bicycle connections, bus stops at the 130th/5th Avenue intersection, a dedicated paratransit drop-off area, and a passenger vehicle drop-off area.
The name change comes after robust public engagement and an internal station name evaluation process. Sound Transit made surveys available in nine languages, and outreach staff made over 800 in-person contacts in the area. Combined with email and online outreach, more than 2,300 people weighed in on the new station name. Survey respondents were asked to assess a short list of names, and “Pinehurst Station” emerged as the top choice.
Staff will now move forward with fabricating “Pinehurst Station” signage and programming necessary systems to ensure that Pinehurst opens with all necessary passenger-facing and operations-related tools tested and ready for revenue service.
Pinehurst Station is an important part of Sound Transit’s larger regional expansion of light rail service to downtown Redmond and across the I-90 bridge. When the current expansion projects are complete, Link will provide service to future Pinehurst riders as often as every four minutes, as trains travel through Seattle to reach Federal Way and the east side.