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Sound Transit approves ST Express fare change

Full adult fare of $3 brings ST Express fare in line with Link flat fare

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Sound Transit Board has approved changing the current ST Express bus fare, reducing the full adult fare from $3.25 to $3. The move aligns the ST Express bus fare with the Link flat fare. The new fare will take effect on March 1, 2025.

Changing the ST Express bus fare streamlines Sound Transit fares across transportation modes, supporting the ST Board policy “to encourage transit ridership through equitable and simple pricing.”

The change allows frequent riders to purchase one monthly pass for full fare payment on both Link and ST Express and riders using ORCA E-Purse to transfer between Link and ST Express bus service without additional payment of fare. It also aligns with the new fare proposed for the ORCA Regional Day Pass.

The new adult fare rate does not change fares for seniors, riders with disabilities, youth, and ORCA LIFT passengers on ST Express routes.

In advance of the proposed change, Sound Transit sought public input on the fare change through a survey. Eighty eight percent of respondents favored the fare change.

More information about Sound Transit fares is available on our website.