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Sound Transit seeks input on Graham Street infill station

In-person workshop to be held Monday, Feb. 3; online survey also available

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The public is invited to attend a workshop next Monday, Feb. 3, about the Graham Street infill station to hear more about the station and provide feedback. This community discussion, hosted by Sound Transit in partnership with the City of Seattle and King County Metro, is part of an engagement process to review station location options for the Graham Street Station and hear feedback, questions, and ideas from community to inform decision-making.

The interactive workshop will provide a space for the Graham Street community to review potential station locations, learn more about the benefits and challenges of each option, share feedback from your perspectives, and have an opportunity for dialogue.

Event information  

  • When: Monday, Feb. 3, 5-7 p.m.
  • Check-in and brief presentation from 5-5:30 p.m.
  • Workshop activity from 5:30-7 p.m.
  • Where:
    Filipino Community Center
    5740 Martin Luther King Jr Way S
    Seattle, WA, 98018      

Interpretation will be available, and food and activities for children will be provided. The workshop location is ADA accessible. 

Sound Transit also has an online survey for people unable to attend the workshop. The survey, which five to ten minutes to complete, is available at

Sound Transit is working to add a new street-level light rail station along Martin Luther King Jr Way South at South Graham Street in the Rainier Valley. This new station will be part of the Link light rail’s 1 Line. The Graham Street Station Project is currently in the early planning phase, called alternatives analysis.

For more information about the Graham Street Infill Project, please visit