Construction update: U District Station 02/21/2014
Publish Date
Construction at the U District light rail station is underway. Sound Transit's contractor has implemented the first phase of traffic changes and is now working on various construction activities at the future station.
What to expect during the next two weeks*
(February 21 - March 7):- Complete the utility work along Brooklyn Avenue NE from NE 45th Street to just south of NE 43rd Street.
- Continue building the solid wooden construction wall beginning along the southwestern corner of the site.
- Continue installing concrete foundations to support the future station.
- Continue building the pedestrian pathway around the southwestern side of the site.
- Begin utility work along NE 42nd Street between Brooklyn Avenue NE and University Way NE. No parking will be available between Brooklyn Avenue NE and University Way NE during work hours. The westbound lane of NE 42nd Street will also be closed during work hours. The sidewalks will remain open.
- Begin utility work on NE 43rd Street between Brooklyn Avenue NE and the alley within the project construction zone.
Equipment: trucks, excavators, jackhammers, drill rigs, crane, generators, street sweepers
On the horizon (After March 7)*:
- Continue utility work on NE 43rd Street between Brooklyn Avenue NE and the alley.
- Continue building the solid wooden construction wall along the project site.