Project updates
Learn about where and when construction is happening throughout the ST district.

Early scoping starts tomorrow! Share your comments by March 5

Publish Date

The West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions project is about to begin early scoping. Early scoping is the first public involvement opportunity in the alternatives development process and will last from Feb. 2 to March 5. During alternatives development, Sound Transit will assess the representative project included in the ST3 System plan approved for funding by voters in 2016 and, based on additional public feedback and technical analysis, further refine the route, station locations and other project elements.

This is an essential time to engage in the project! Sound Transit is seeking public comments on the project Purpose and Need, the representative project, other alternatives, and the transportation and community impacts and benefits to consider in developing alternatives for further refinement and analysis. Alternatives development, including public and agency input, will inform the Sound Transit Board's identification of a preferred alternative and other alternatives to study in environmental review.

Be sure to attend our upcoming open houses to learn more and submit your comments by March 5.


Sound Transit open house.

We're coming to your neighborhood

This month, Sound Transit is holding project kickoff open houses in West Seattle, Ballard and Downtown Seattle to introduce you to the project team, share information, answer your questions and get input on the project. Come and help shape the future of your community!

Can't join us in-person? Our online open house goes live on Feb. 12.

RSVP today!


West Seattle and Ballard Link Extension community engagement guide.

Community Engagement Guide online now

Planning for the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions is underway and your participation is important! Sound Transit has put together a community guide that outlines how we're engaging affected communities in the project area. This guide explains:

  • Sound Transit's goals for public engagement
  • How you can get involved
  • How your feedback will shape the project
  • Sound Transit's methods for gathering feedback
  • Project roles and responsibilities

Check it out!

Stay connected

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Request a briefing. If you are part of a business or community organization that would like to host a briefing, get in touch.