Project updates
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Information about ongoing construction around U District Station

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Construction at the U District light rail station is underway. Sound Transit's contractor has implemented the first phase of traffic control changes and is now working on various activities at the future station.

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What to expect at the site in the next two weeks (February 7 - February 21):

  1. Complete the utility work along Brooklyn Avenue NE from NE 45th Street to just south of NE 43rd Street. The crosswalk at NE 43rd Street and Brooklyn Avenue NE will shift slightly south during this work to maintain the east-west pedestrian connection.
  2. Continue building the solid wooden construction wall along the southwestern side of the site.
  3. Continue installing underground concrete foundations to support the future station structure. There will be noise from the drill during soil removal. This work has been extended through Friday, February 14.
  4. Begin utility work on the north side of NE 42nd Street between Brooklyn Avenue NE and University Way NE. The sidewalk and one lane of traffic may be closed during this work.
  5. Begin utility work on NE 43rd Street between Brooklyn Avenue NE and the alley. Traffic will be routed around this work. The alley and NE 43rd Street will remain open.
  6. Remove two underground storage tanks and used oil within the tanks.

Equipment: trucks, excavators, jackhammers, drill rigs, crane, generators, street sweepers.

On the horizon (After February 21)*

  • Continue utility work in the intersection of NE 43rd Street and the Brooklyn Alley.
  • Continue utility work along NE 42nd Street between Brooklyn Avenue NE and University Way NE.
  • Continue building the solid wooden construction wall along the project site.

Schedule: Work hours are typically Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Intermittent weekend work may be scheduled between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.*

*Construction schedules are subject to change. Notifications will be distributed for significant changes.

Spotlight on Business: Samir's Mediterranean Grill

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Bring in this flyer to Samir's Mediterranean Grill to purchase a sandwich, fries and soft drink for only $8. Limit 1 coupon per person. Expires March 31, 2014. Offer subject to change without notice.


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  • For more information or to receive these alerts via email, please contact Paige Cureton at (206) 398-5300 or
  • Report construction issues (after business hours) on our 24-hour Construction Hotline at (888) 298-2395


Obey pedestrian traffic signals

Obey flaggers directing trucks

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