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Lane closure: Roosevelt Way NE between NE 71st & NE 72nd street

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As early as Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2016, Sound Transit's contractor will close a lane to start work on decommissioning the dewatering wells located on Roosevelt Way NE between NE 71st and NE 72nd street. This work will take approximately one week to complete.

Map illustrating lane closures between NE 72nd St and NE 71st St.

What to expect:

  • Traffic Impact: Southbound right lane closure on Roosevelt Way NE between NE 71st and NE 72nd street. Pedestrian, bicyclist, and motorist traffic will be maintained. Traffic cones, No Parking signage, roadway signage, and flaggers may be used when travel lanes or parking areas are affected during this work. Driveways will remain open. 
  • Construction activities: Decommissioning the dewatering wells. The process of decommissioning the wells will take about four days. The protective well enclosure will be removed, then the well will be grouted per Department of Ecology and the steel plate will be placed back on the road until a later date.
  • Equipment: Construction trucks and support equipment will be stationed on the streets during this work.
  • Work hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Restoration: Permanent restoration will be carried out to Seattle Department of Transportation standards. Current expectation for the permanent reinstatement is spring/summer of 2017.