OMF South environmental review schedule
Our project team is currently working on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, or EIS, as part of our environmental review process. The Draft EIS will analyze and document the three site alternatives' potential impacts to the natural and built environment, and propose ways to address unavoidable impacts. We’re also continuing with more conceptual design work, including potential changes to site configurations.
COVID-19 has impacted both Sound Transit’s finances and our ability to advance environmental review internally and with our planning partners. Consequently, the environmental schedule for Operations and Maintenance Facility (OMF) South has been affected as a result. We now anticipate publishing the OMF South Draft EIS in early 2021. Once published, the public will be able to review and formally comment on the Draft EIS during a public comment period.
The pandemic and our economy
The COVID-19 crisis is greatly reducing the revenues that Sound Transit relies on to expand our regional transit system. Through a process called realignment, the Sound Transit Board of Directors is working to determine whether plans and timelines for voter-approved projects, like OMF South, will need to change due to lower revenues. Learn more about Sound Transit’s response to COVID-19 related impacts by clicking the button below.