Project updates
Learn about where and when construction is happening throughout the ST district.

So long 2018, hello 2019!

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Image of stakeholder at meeting

Since early 2018, we’ve been working with the public to develop route alternatives for future light rail extensions from downtown Seattle to West Seattle and Ballard.

Together, we've considered numerous evaluation criteria, discussed the pros and cons of alternative routes and station locations, and gained a tremendous amount of insight. We're thankful to the thousands of you who have taken the time to attend an event, leave a comment online or have a conversation with us about this project. Feedback from you and your neighbors has helped shape this project every step of the way — see how below!

  • Nearly 200 briefings with community groups, businesses, neighborhood organizations and social service providers to increase project awareness, gain new perspectives and gather feedback.
  • 12 neighborhood forums and/or open houses to understand community character and values and inform project planning.
  • More than 3,000 comments and over 500 survey responses received, providing thoughtful advice guiding our approach to both project design and community outreach.
  • 10 Stakeholder Advisory Group meetings and 4 Elected Leadership Group meetings to consider public input and provide recommendations on alternatives.

As far as we've come, there's still more to do! In the first quarter of 2019, we’ll host another comment period. Until then, we'll be out and about in communities along the project corridor, increasing awareness and sharing information about the project’s progress.

Advisory group members welcome new year and prepare for Level 3 recommendations

On Jan. 9, the Stakeholder Advisory Group met to hear an update on community engagement and collaboration, next steps for the Level 3 alternatives and the next big milestones, identifying a preferred alternative and other alternatives to study in the environmental impact statement and kicking off the environmental review process.

During the first quarter of 2019, the project team will initiate a 30-day public comment period (known as “scoping”) and host several scoping open houses. Scoping provides an opportunity for the public to give input on route and station alternatives, topics to study in the environmental impact statement, and the project purpose and need.

As soon as our dates are confirmed, we will share them here, in this email update, as well as through many other channels. We hope you join us at one of the meetings to ask questions and share your feedback. Stay tuned for dates and details coming soon!

Upcoming events

Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting on Jan. 30
Elected Leadership Group meeting on Feb. 1

Stay connected

Watch for future project updates. Forward this to your friends, family, neighbors and people in your community! Encourage them to subscribe.

Request a briefing. If you are part of a business or community organization that would like to host a briefing, get in touch.

Get in touch: or 206-903-7229