Temporary bypass installed on SR 99 in SeaTac
Sound Transit opened a temporary bypass around a short stretch of State Route 99 in SeaTac between South 204th and South 208th Streets. Our crews shifted lanes eastward from the main roadway to make way for construction of our elevated light rail track.
Curious what the new bypass looks like from a bird’s-eye view?
The new traffic pattern will remain in place until we complete this portion of Link light rail construction. We expect to remove the bypass and return SR 99 to its normal configuration in October 2022.
Sound Transit is also building a bridge for SR 99 in this area for the Washington State Department of Transportation’s future SR 509 Project.
For more information on the SR 509 project, visit wsdot.wa.gov/Projects/SR509/completion or contact Chris Hoffman: hoffmac@consultant.wsdot.wa.gov, 206-387-2050.
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Готовится открытие временной объездной дороги на участке шоссе SR 99 в районе SeaTac
Desvío temporal en la SR 99 en SeaTac
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