U District Station construction update
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At the U District Station site crews have been busy finishing up the tunnel/cross passage work and preparing for the station contractor to take possession of the site in mid-July 2017. Part of the work needed before the station contract starts is for the current contractor to remove the temporary concrete floor at the station box and haul out the materials along the approved truck haul route.
What to expect:
- Sawcutting, jackhammering and excavating to remove the temporary concrete floor that was used for tunneling contractor's equipment
- Increased construction vehicle traffic at the site. Trucks will be entering/exiting the site through the various construction gates.
Work hours:
- Six days a week (Monday to Saturday with occasional Sunday work for maintenance).
- High impact work is only allowed between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends.
We will be sending additional construction updates and hosting a drop in meeting in July as we get more details from the station contractor.