Community Oversight Panel

The Community Oversight Panel independently monitors Sound Transit to make sure it meets its commitment to voters.

Created in 1997, the Community Oversight Panel (formerly the Citizen Oversight Panel, or COP) independently monitors Sound Transit and its commitment to build and operate the region's high-capacity transit system.

The Sound Transit Board of Directors appoints and tasks COP members with asking hard questions, reviewing details and reporting findings back to the board. Its 15 volunteers represent a variety of interests, professional expertise and experience.

The COP monitors Sound Transit's performance in the following areas:

  • Community engagement activities
  • Project planning and alignment decisions
  • Budget and financial plan
  • Project schedule and budget adherence
  • Agency performance audits
  • Social justice and equity
  • Passenger experience

Click here to view the COP’s Responsibilities and Parameters as approved by the Board (Resolution No. R2022-05).

Click here to view the COP’s Guiding Principles.

Community Oversight Panel meetings are the second Wednesdays of each month from 5:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Additional COP or Community Oversight Panel Task Force meetings take place as needed. 

Meetings are held in the Santa Fe room of Union Station, located at 401 South Jackson St. and also hosted online virtually.

Calendar of upcoming meetings


The Sound Transit Board appoints panel members to serve three-year terms. They appoint at least two members from each of the five geographic subareas of the Sound Transit District. The board appointed the first panel in February 1997.

Learn more about current panel members.

Sound Transit is currently recruiting for one vacancy in the Snohomish County subarea. Those interested should apply.

Learn how to apply

The panel reports its findings and suggested improvements to the board on behalf of the region's residents. The COP's vigilance, continuous feedback and constructive suggestions help ensure the success of Sound Transit.

COP document and report archive

You can contact the Community Oversight Panel via email at Please note that any communication with the panel is considered a public record of the agency once received.

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