Where to park
Parking is available at Link and Sounder stations and ST Express-served transit centers throughout Puget Sound.
Parking permits
At busy park-and-rides, Sound Transit has established reserved permit parking areas that passengers can access by applying for free Carpool/High-Occupancy-Vehicle (HOV) parking permits.
Upcoming changes to parking
Starting in 2025, Sound Transit will begin charging user fees to recover costs to provide parking at selected Link Station park and rides. This change is consistent with the ST3 Plan.
Frequently asked questions
Tips for parking at Sound Transit lots
- Arrive with enough time to find parking and catch your bus or train without hurrying.
- Find a carpool partner and obtain a reserved carpool / HOV parking permit at selected stations
- Close all windows and lock doors.
- Remove valuables from your car, including garage door openers. Prevent identity theft by removing any paperwork showing your home address or social security number from your car.
Parking hours
Parking facilities owned and operated by Sound Transit are available to transit passengers 24 hours per day. Passengers may park for up to 24 hours while on trips taken by transit.
Park-and-rides operated by other agencies may have different hours. Check signs for space restrictions, facilities rules, and hours of operation.
Carpool permit parking areas
- Angle Lake Station
- Northgate Station Garage
- Tukwila International Boulevard Station
- Sumner Station
Visit our customer portal to apply for a carpool parking permit at these lots.
Bike and scooter storage
Secure bike parking options are available on-demand at all Sound Transit stations and transit centers.
View a station-by-station list of bike parking storage options.
Unauthorized activities
- Camping
- Commercial sales or service without Sound Transit permission
- Racing or other motorsports competition
- Installing unauthorized equipment or facilities.
- Defacing Sound Transit property
- Littering
- Theft or vandalism
- Driver training
- Loitering, or soliciting
- Dumping waste or fluids in facilities, or into drains
- Rollerblading, skating or skateboarding
- Leafleting
- Other activities as defined by Sound Transit
Violations for immediate impound
The following violations will be cause for immediate impound, unless written permission has been obtained from Sound Transit:
- Parking anywhere except in marked stalls
- Blocking entrances, exits, or other vehicles
- Exceeding the vehicle load limit of 10,000 lbs. including motorhomes and other commercial and non-commercial vehicles
- Parking in Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) permit-only parking spaces without visible state permit
- Taking up more than one parking space
- Trailer parking (attached or unattached)
- Leaving a vehicle parked for over 24 hours
- Parking for “vehicle for sale” activity
- Parking for on-site repair activities
- Parking for non-transit purposes unauthorized by Sound Transit
- Trespassing
- Other activities as defined by Sound Transit
Questions? Call Sound Transit at (800) 201-4900 / TTY Relay: 711