Stops and stations
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Auburn Station

Get on/off buses to Seattle at:
3rd Ave & James St
3rd Ave & Madison St
3rd Ave & Union St
3rd Ave & Pine St

Get on/off buses to Puyallup at:
2nd Ave & Pike St

Missed stops to Seattle:
Seneca St & 5th Ave
4th Ave & University
4th Ave & Pike St
Olive Wy & 6th Ave
Howell St & 9th Ave
Howell St & Yale Ave
Eastlake Ave E & Stewart St

Missed stops to Puyallup:
Fairview Ave N & Thomas St
Boren Ave & Virginia St
Stewart St & 9th Ave
Stewart St & 7th Ave
Stewart St & 3rd Ave
Mariners vs. Minnesota Twins
Due to safety concerns, bicycles and scooters are restricted on Sounder cars until further notice.

Only four bicycles and/or scooters are allowed per train car. Riders may only enter Sounder trains through doors with a bicycle symbol. Always follow any directions from the conductor.

Each Sounder train car has two tie-down spaces for riders to secure their bicycles or scooters. If the tie-down spaces are occupied, two additional riders may stand with their bikes or scooters. When standing, please stand by the doors near the tie-down area. Restrain your bike or scooter with one hand and hold on to a secure pole with the other. Do not lean, or secure, your bicycle or scooter to other secured bicycles or scooters. Remember, you may need to move your bicycle or scooter, so other riders can move about the train.
Affected lines:
S Line