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International District/Chinatown Station

Construction work is taking place at the new Pinehurst Station. Trains will share one track through the Shoreline South/148th Station requiring passengers to use the alternate side of the platform during construction hours. Work will take place evenings, Monday through Friday, from 7 p.m. until the end of light rail service, and all day on Saturday and Sunday. Trains will arrive about every 12 minutes during construction.

Phase 1: March 24 through April 13 - Trains will be using the Lynnwood platform.

Phase 2: April 28 through May 30 - Trains will be using the Angle Lake platform.

No work will be done May 17 - 18, and during the Memorial Day weekend of May 24-26
To ride the 1 Line:

1. Continue on 5th Ave S toward S King St.
2. Take the elevator down to the platform.

To exit the station:

1. Go to the opposite end of the platform toward Exit B.
2. Take the elevator up to the street.