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South Tacoma Station

Seahawks vs. Cardinals

Want to spread out a bit on your Sounder S Line ride to the game? Head for the northernmost train cars—they're usually a lot less crowded! For even more breathing room, try catching the second S line train in and out of Seattle; it’s generally a bit roomier than the first one. Enjoy the extra space!
This survey is your chance to tell Sound Transit how we're doing. What can we do better? Your voice matters, and we're all ears.

Take our 15-minute passenger experience survey, and you could win one of fifteen $100 gift cards and four $250 gift cards in our raffle.

Your feedback will help enhance your transit experience. This survey pinpoints areas for improvement — accessibility, availability, cleanliness, safety, maintenance, and passenger support. Don’t miss out! The survey is open from Nov. 14 to Dec. 20.

Click the link below to take the survey.