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Westlake Station

Affected stops:
Stop #760 5th Ave & Pine St (SB)

Get on/off at:
Stop #950 Stewart St & 7th Ave (WB)
Stop #790 5th Ave & Seneca St (SB)
Construction work is taking place at the new Pinehurst Station. Trains will share one track through the Shoreline South/148th Station requiring passengers to use the alternate side of the platform during construction hours. Work will take place evenings, Monday through Friday, from 7 p.m. until the end of light rail service, and all day on Saturday and Sunday. Trains will arrive about every 12 minutes during construction.

Phase 1: March 24 through April 13 - Trains will be using the Lynnwood platform.

Phase 2: April 28 through May 30 - Trains will be using the Angle Lake platform.

No work will be done May 17 - 18, and during the Memorial Day weekend of May 24-26
Seattle Mariners vs. Athletics

Please plan ahead for additional travel time and anticipate crowds in stations, on platforms, in trains, and in parking facilities. On game days, parking facilities fill up quickly and earlier in the day. Plan accordingly to ensure you can secure parking.