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The 200th Street Transit and Traffic Circulation Improvement Project refers to the upcoming construction along 200th Street in Lynnwood as part of the Lynnwood Link Extension project.
Because of a predicted increase in traffic in the area, the City of Lynnwood and Sound Transit have decided to expand 200th Street to include five (5) total lanes between 44th and 48th avenues next to the Lynnwood Transit Center and the new Lynnwood Transit Garage. Work will be completed in four phases to accommodate traffic, transit and community member access, the first starting in 2023 and the last anticipated to wrap up in summer 2024.
Businesses and residents in the area should anticipate road closures and construction noise during this time, with occasional night work. Detours and flaggers will be provided as necessary. Access to enter and exit each independent property will be maintained during construction.
Construction to add lanes to 200th Street.
2023-2024 (estimated).
Between 44th and 50th avenues next to the Lynnwood Transit Center and the new Lynnwood Transit Garage.
Project phases
South side of 200th St, east side of 48th Ave, east side of 46th Ave, west and east sides of 44th Ave
Expected construction
Curb and sidewalk demolition, roadway demolition, roadway and sidewalk grading, duct bank installation, water hydrant, meter and light pole installation, tree removal, landscaping, striping, driveway construction, and traffic signal poles.
202nd St
Expected construction
Light pole removal and new installation of illumination poles, water removal and hydrant installation, utility duct banks, signs, irrigation, landscaping, marking, and signage.
North side of 200th St, west side of 48th Ave, west side of 46th Ave, 200th St in-road
Expected construction
Curb and sidewalk demo, water hydrant removal and installation, light pole foundations, roadway paving, parking lot, landscaping, permanent markings, driveways, and demolition of water meter and hydrant and rock wall.
West side of 48th Ave (north of 200th), 200th in-road east of 46th, 44th Ave interchange
Expected construction
Removing and replacing a gas line, roadway demolition, north and south half median demo and grade, signal work and permanent markings.