News release
South Tacoma and Lakewood station area improvements selected by Sound Transit Board of Directors
Today, in two separate actions, the Sound Transit Board approved an array of projects to provide better access to the South Tacoma and Lakewood Sounder stations. The projects include new station-…
Project update
Sound Transit Board Committee recommendation expected Thursday, Mar. 14
Sound Transit is collaborating with the City of Tacoma to build a better-connected network to enable more people to walk, roll, bike, and take public transit to South Tacoma Station and other…
Project update
Environmental study results published
Sound Transit is collaborating with the City of Tacoma to build a better-connected network, so more people can walk, roll, bike, and take public transit to South Tacoma Station and other neighborhood…
South Tacoma Station Access Improvements information booth
Visit our table at the South Tacoma Library, 3411 S. 56th St., Tacoma, WA.
Project update
Reminder: take our survey by Jan. 9
Sound Transit is planning a better-connected network so more people can walk, roll, bike, and take transit to South Tacoma Station and neighborhood destinations. Possible improvements include filling…