Tacoma Dome Link Extension
Connecting Tacoma and Fife to regional light rail

News and updates

Thank you for your comments!

The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) comment period for the Tacoma Dome Link Extension (TDLE) is now closed. Thank you for reviewing and providing comments on the Draft EIS. Next, we will…

Please comment now! Draft EIS comment period ends Feb. 10

Thanks to everyone who attended our Draft EIS public meetings/hearings in January! If you have not yet submitted comments on the Draft EIS, the comment period closes on Feb. 10.  

Draft EIS public meetings/hearings start next week!

Join our upcoming virtual and in-person public meetings/hearings about the Tacoma Dome Link Extension’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Each meeting is an opportunity to provide formal,…

Draft EIS comment period begins today!

TDLE Draft EIS coming Dec. 13: We need your input!

On Dec. 13, Sound Transit will publish the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Tacoma Dome Link Extension project.